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Easiest Fundraiser Ever Links Your KROGER PLUS CARD and AMAZON SMILE

Hello PTSA Family!  
Please see the information below to enroll in the easiest fundraisers we can offer. All you have to do is link your Kroger Plus card to Collegiate-- and presto!-- we get money every time you shop. Once your card is linked, Kroger will contribute 10 percent (that's a lot!) of your purchase total back to the school. You will also get discounts on your purchases. In other words, we can earn money on the groceries you're buying anyway. As an added bonus, if you set up an account, you will be automatically notified if any of your groceries are recalled for safety reasons. The same is true for the AMAZON SMILE program, very easy. Every penny counts.  
If you already have a card, you can link your existing card. If you don't have one, you can pick one up at the store, or create it online. (Pro tip: If use your phone number or some other easy to remember number as your "Alternate ID" you won't have to remember to bring the card to the store every time.)
  Please follow the directions below, and let us know if you have any questions.    
Laura Beil,
  All supporters must have a registered Kroger Plus card account online to be able to link their card to an organization. ·    
   Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377 and select option 4 to get your Plus Card number. ·     
  If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, you can obtain a digital Kroger Plus Card when creating an account online or at any Kroger store.  
Link your card at www.KrogerCommunityRewards. com. ·     
  If you have an existing account, click on "Sign In", otherwise click on "Register".     
 If you are a new online customer:
           o   You will need to enter your email address, create a password, enter your zip code, click on favorite store, and agree to the                                   terms and conditions.
           o   Once you are done entering your information you will get a message asking you to check your e-mail inbox and click on the                                 link within the body of the e-mail that was sent to activate your Kroger account. ·   
    Already have a account? 
          o   Enter your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
          o   Click on "Edit" in the "Community Rewards" section.
          o   Enter your organization's number (ours is 26137) or name (Cedar Hill Collegiate PTSA) and then click on "Search".
          o   Select your organization and click on "Save".
          o   To verify that you enrolled correctly, you will see your organizations name on the right side of your account settings page.                  o   Once you are linked, you can start earning rewards immediately toward the organization you are supporting. (Note: The message saying that you are supporting an organization through the Kroger Community Rewards program will start printing on your receipt about 10 business days after you linked your card.)    



Please click on this link, bookmark it for the future, and start shopping!