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Collegiate Academy and HS Student Union

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Our Collegiate Library/Student Union is a unique place. It is not always quiet, as one might expect a traditional library to be...because it is more than that. We do check out books and always encourage reading.  A favorite quote is,  "Books are food for the soul."   And we are building our collection with input from our teachers and students influencing what books we purchase.

We also offer on-line resources, printing, computers and chrome books for student use. We now  have, courtesy  of our PTSA,  four Kindle Fires  to be  used by  students in the library. They are loaded with e-books.Additionally, we are implementing a Maker Space program to support the  STEAM  focus of our campus offering  hands on activities for our scholars. But, even beyond all those things, our space is a gathering place for students to exchange ideas, share  knowledge,  express their  own thoughts  (both deep ones and not so deep ones); a place to create and study, brainstorm and contemplate...individually or in study groups.Our hope is that our students will feel  a sense of  ownership,  in that it is a place for them,  but also a sense of responsibility for the same reason.  As part of the collegiate experience, the Library/Student Union is  a  vital  component  to  the  community,  independence, and self-discipline we are attempting to develop in our scholars.

We have  a  special  group  of  students  who  work with and for our library: the  Collegiate Teen Library Board.  These  are select students interested in having input in our library and experience to show on their resumes!From having input as to the books we buy, to learning how  a library works, to  shelving  and  assisting  with  the  day  to  day  tasks, they are an important  part  of  our  library  structure. They  host  book fairs  and other special "book & learning" events, promote reading in and out of school, even planted and maintain our front garden! 

As for our library policies: students may check out books for a period of two weeks and may renew one time.  We do charge late fees when books are returned more than five days late: $.05 per school day.  And  if  a book is  lost or damaged we charge the cost of replacing the book; generally $15 and up.

There  is  a minimal  charge  of  five cents  per page  to print; we only offer black and white one-sided printing.  If unable to print from in-house computers, students may email work to  or,  designating what they want, and it will be printed for them to pick up in the library. 

We  are  looking  forward  to  a  great  year in the Collegiate Academy/High School Library/  Student Union!  Our  goal  is  to  enhance the educational journey of scholars and teachers.